🌟What is this page?

This is the overview of commission work in progress. Please use this site to follow the progress of your commission and feel free to leave a comment either here or in an email/DM if you have any thoughts/questions 🤗

Thank you for commissioning me!

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Dina Norlund Commissions

☀️Important information

💫 Directory


Commission List

Awaiting payment

Invoice has been sent, waiting for client to pay. Commissions are not started until payment has been recieved.

Not started

The commission has not yet been worked on. It will stay here until I get to yours! See this as a queue, if you're at the top: you're next!

In progress

Sketching has started, you should receive work-in-progress emails and questions from me during this time and every step of the way.


Finished commissions will stay in this bracket for 1 week! Then moved down to the gallery.

About future commissions / Waitlist

I only have 8 slots open for commissions each month! If I receive more requests I’ll put you on the future list. The first week of the next month I’ll be emailing the people on the list and set up invoices, no payment will be requested before the month scheduled.

To add yourself to the list please fill out the form!

Dina Norlund Commissions

Future Commissions

Finished Commissions Gallery